Role of conventional and molecular techniques in soybean yield and quality improvement: A critical review
conventional methods, molecular techniques, soybean, yield, qualityAbstract
The soybean is one of the most significant legume crops around the globe and serves as a source of dietary components for humans and animals. It has a higher percentage of protein compared to any other crop. Soybean yield and quality have been affected by many environmental factors. The genetic mechanism of yield and quality is still not clearly understood. Hence there is still a need to investigate the major potent factors to shed light on the mechanism behind yield and quality traits in soybean. Recently, a lot of significant work, including novel QTL, genes, and CRISPR-based genome editing in soybeans, has been done, which opened new doors of hope. The current review has presented detailed work done previously. We have also discussed the role of different breeding techniques in the conventional way of soybean improvement. The genetic factors regulating yield, quality, and disease resistance could be further cloned and transferred into elite cultivars to attain higher output in the current situation of changing environment. The integrated use of several techniques, like CRISPR/Cas9, next-generation sequencing, omics approaches, would be a fruitful way to improve soybean yield and quality. Besides this, hybridization, mass selection, pure line selection, backcross breeding, and pedigree selection should be adopted to develop novel soybean cultivars. This review concluded that soybean yield and quality improvement could be enhanced by exploring its genetic mechanism using several molecular and conventional methods.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Adnan Rasheed, Gai YUHONG, Zhao ZHOU, John J GARDINER, Muhammad Ilyas, Wang PIWU, Syed F.G. GILLANI, Maria BATOOL, Wei JIAN

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