Phenolic Compounds and Antifungal Activity of Hedera helix L. (Ivy) Flowers and Fruits


  • Marcel PARVU Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Biology and Geology, Department of Biology, 42 Republicii Street, 400015 Cluj-Napoca (RO)
  • Laurian VLASE Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceutics, 12 Ion Creanga Street, 400010 Cluj-Napoca (RO)
  • Alina E. PARVU Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pathophysiology, 3 Victor Babes Street, 400012 Cluj-Napoca (RO)
  • Oana ROSCA-CASIAN Babes-Bolyai University, A. Borza Botanical Garden, 42 Republicii Street, 400015 Cluj-Napoca (RO)
  • Ana-Maria GHELDIU Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceutics (RO)
  • Ovidiu PARVU Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, 1 Kogalniceanu Street, 400084 Cluj-Napoca (RO)



agar-dilution assay, concentration, ethanol extracts, LC/MS, phytopathogenic fungi, quercetol, rutoside


Identification and quantitative analysis of the phenolic compounds from Hedera helix L. (ivy) flower and fruit ethanol extracts by LC/MS, in vitro germination and growth inhibition effects on Aspergillus niger, Botrytis cinerea, Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. tulipae, Penicillium gladioli and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum were performed. In the non-hydrolyzed samples of flower and fruit extracts were determined, in different amounts, five polyphenols (p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, rutoside, quercetol and kaempferol) while quercitrin was identified only in the ivy flower extract. The hydrolyzed samples of the same ivy extracts indicated four phenolic compounds (p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, quercetol and kaempferol), in different concentrations, whereas sinapic acid was only detected in the ivy fruit extract. The antifungal activity of the fresh flower extract was stronger than that of the fresh fruit extract and was compared to that of an antimycotic drug.




How to Cite

PARVU, M., VLASE, L., PARVU, A. E., ROSCA-CASIAN, O., GHELDIU, A.-M., & PARVU, O. (2015). Phenolic Compounds and Antifungal Activity of Hedera helix L. (Ivy) Flowers and Fruits. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 43(1), 53–58.



Research Articles
DOI: 10.15835/nbha4319644

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