Regeneration of Haploid Plantlet through Anther Culture of Chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflorum)


  • Rayhanul Kabir KHANDAKAR MD Kongju National University, Department of Plant Resources, 340-702, Yesan (KR)
  • Jie YU Kongju National University, Department of Plant Resources, 340-702, Yesan (KR)
  • Sun-Kyung MIN Kongju National University, Department of Plant Resources, 340-702, Yesan (KR)
  • Mi-Kyoung WON Chungcheongnam-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services (CNARES), 340-861, Yesan (KR)
  • Hyun Gu CHOI Yesan Chrysanthemum Experiment Station, Chungnam 340-915, Yesan (KR)
  • Ha-Seung PARK Yesan Chrysanthemum Experiment Station, Chungnam 340-915, Yesan (KR)
  • Jong-Jin CHOI Yesan Chrysanthemum Experiment Station, Chungnam 340-915, Yesan (KR)
  • Soo-Cheon CHAE Kongju National University, Department of Horticultural Science, 340-702, Yesan (KR)
  • Ji-Youn JUNG Kongju National University, Department of Companion and Laboratory Animal Science, 340-702, Yesan (KR)
  • Kyu-Min LEE Sangmyung University, Department of Plant Science and Technology,330-720, Cheonan (KR)
  • Tae-Sung KIM Kongju National University, Department of Plant Resources, 340-702, Yesan (KR)
  • Yong-Jin PARK Kongju National University, Legume Bio-Resource Center of Green Manure (LBRCGM), 340-702, Yesan (KR)



callus inductions, haploid, rooting, regenerated plantlets, shoot formation


To observe the possibility of producing haploid plants of Chrysanthemum, anthers of three Korean cultivars 'Yes Morning', 'Hi-Maya', and pot cultivar 'Peace Pink' were cultured. Callus induction among cultivars differed little, but equally good results were obtained with the basal MS medium supplemented with 1 mg/L of 2,4-D, 2 mg/L of BA, 250 mg/L of casein hydrolysate, 45 g/L of sucrose; solidified by 2.75 g/L gelrite. A pretreatment of anthers in media at 4 °C for 48h enhanced the callus induction. Calli were allowed to differentiate on basal MS medium supplemented with 2 mg/L of BA, 0.1 mg/L of NAA, 30 g/L of sucrose; solidified by 2.75 g/L gelrite.  Shoot formation from calli in that media slightly differed among cultivars. Multiple shoots elongated from calli were shifted to basal MS medium supplemented with 0.1 mg/L of NAA, 30 g/L of sucrose; solidified by 3 g/L gelrite for rooting. The plantlets with sufficient roots thus obtained were acclimatized and transferred to the soil. Fifty regenerated plantlets from each cultivar were randomly selected for ploidy observation by chromosome counting and haploid plantlet was detected for the garden cultivar 'Yes morning'.




How to Cite

KHANDAKAR MD, R. K., YU, J., MIN, S.-K., WON, M.-K., CHOI, H. G., PARK, H.-S., CHOI, J.-J., CHAE, S.-C., JUNG, J.-Y., LEE, K.-M., KIM, T.-S., & PARK, Y.-J. (2014). Regeneration of Haploid Plantlet through Anther Culture of Chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflorum). Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 42(2), 482–487.



Research Articles
DOI: 10.15835/nbha4229640