Kernel Quality of Some Sweet Corn Varieties in Relation to Processing
The quality characteristics (dry matter content, soluble solid concentration, kernel colour, sugar, starch and protein content) of fresh, frozen and canned kernels of seven sweet corn varieties (‘Lumina’, ‘Merit’, ‘Sunshine’, ‘Jubilee’, ‘Challenger’, ‘Yellow Baby’ and ‘2201’) were studied. The present research was conducted during 2009 and 2010 in Eskisehir, Midwestern Turkey. The trials were set up in randomised complete block design, with four replications. Ears were harvested and randomly selected for analysis as fresh, frozen and canned. Dry matter content ranged from 34.2% (‘2201’) to 39.5% (‘Yellow Baby’), soluble solid concentration from 16.3% (‘2201’) to 27.4% (‘Yellow Baby’). The sugar content of fresh kernelswas higher than other treatments (frozen and canned) for all varieties. The starch content of the varieties was decreased after processing, except in ‘Yellow Baby’. Fresh, frozen and canned sweet corn kernels had similar protein contents; the highest protein content was obtained, for all treatments, from ‘Challenger’, and it maintained its higher protein content after processing. /span>‘2201’ had the highest sugar and the lowest starch content for fresh, frozen and canned varieties. When compared on a kernel basis, sweet corn marketed as fresh, frozen or canned, it may be feasible to select varieties for different sweet corn markets.Downloads
How to Cite
ALAN, Özlem, KINACI, G., KINACI, E., BASCIFTCI, Z. B., SONMEZ, K., EVRENOSOGLU, Y., & KUTLU, I. (2014). Kernel Quality of Some Sweet Corn Varieties in Relation to Processing. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 42(2), 414–419.
Research Articles
DOI: 10.15835/nbha4229425
Copyright (c) 2014 Özlem ALAN, Gulcan KINACI, Engin KINACI, Zekiye Budak BASCIFTCI, Kenan SONMEZ, Yasemin EVRENOSOGLU, Imren KUTLU

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