V-leaf marking in a Trifolium ambiguum Bieb. germplasm collection


  • Attila T. SZABO University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine, 3-5 Mănăștur St., 400372 Cluj-Napoca (RO)




clover, marking, Caucasian (Kura), germplasm, Trifolium ambiguum, allele frequency, V-leaf


Frequency values have been registered in the neomorph multiple allele series of V-leaf marking in a germplasm collection of Caucasian (Kura) clover - Trifolium ambiguum Bieb. This collection, obtained from the Northwest Reg. Plant Instr. Stn., Geneva N.Y., USA, comprises 60 accessions from USSR, Australia, Iran and Turkey. Allele frequencies have been registered by phenotype analysis of leaflet samples collected with modified double meter method (Puia et al. 1978). Neomorph alleles have been noted following Brewbaker (1955). The Vh type neomorph was the most common (48% on average for the whole collection), followed by V° (35,8%), VH (7,7%), Vb and VB (4,5 and 0,2%). Some of the accessions differed markedly in V-leaf mark frequencies: V° was completely lacking in two accessions (0%) but was common in the other two (75%). Clinal variation, along altitudinal gradient, was also detectable. The majority of accessions were oligomorph, with just 2-3 V-leaf mark phenotypes per accession.




How to Cite

SZABO, A. T. (1987). V-leaf marking in a Trifolium ambiguum Bieb. germplasm collection. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 17(1), 77–84. https://doi.org/10.15835/nbha171236



Research Articles
DOI: 10.15835/nbha171236

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