Integrated management of yellow aphid (Melanaphis sacchari Zehntner) in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) Moench in Guerrero, Mexico
artifial infestation, control, damage, greenhouse conditions, incidence, pestAbstract
Sorghum is cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions of the world and is an important cereal for Mexico. However, it is affected by different pests, especially the yellow aphid. The objective of the research was to evaluate the effectiveness of biological, botanical and chemical insecticides in reducing Melanaphis sacchari populations in sorghum plants under greenhouse conditions. Planting was conducted in a greenhouse, using the sorghum hybrid 945-M. Pests, diseases and weeds management were implemented. The incidence of the yellow aphid was induced artificially. A total of 13 treatments were applied. The following variables were assessed: the number of aphids per leaf, the biological effectiveness of the treatments, plant height, diameter of the plant stem, number of leaves, and the weight of fresh and dry plants. An analysis of variance was conducted for each variable under study, as along with a comparison of means using the Tukey method (α=0.05) and correlation analysis using the SAS® 9.4 software. The chemical, biological and organic insecticide that exhibited the greatest control of the yellow aphid (more than 95%) were: Toretto® (sulfoxaflor), PHC® Meta Tron® (M. anisopliae), Bio-Die® (Argemonin, Berberine, Ricinin and a-Terthienyl). Adequate management strategies are needed to avoid health problems in people, environmental contamination and resistance or multiple resistance.
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2024 José Luis Arispe Vázquez, Benito Garcia Garcia, Sergio Ayvar Serna, Karla Vanessa De Lira Ramos, Daniel Alejandro Cadena Zamudio, William Zarate Martinez, Manuel Alejndro Tejada Reyes, Mateo Vargas Hernandez, Edgar de Jesus Delgado Núñez, José Francisco Díaz Najera, Jose Francisco Diaz Najera

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