Biodiversity of microbial populations as the indicator of biogenicity of soil under ashes and agricultural soil
amonificators, biogenicity of soil, microbial activity, nitrogen fixatorsAbstract
The number, activity and diversity of microorganisms define the level of biogenicity and indicate the quality and health of the soil. The abundance and structure of microbial communities vary in different types of soils, so in order to preserve and protect natural and agroecological systems, in addition to physical-chemical analyses, monitoring of dynamics of microbiological activity in agricultural and non-agricultural soil is also necessary. Each type of soil has its own characteristic micro biocenosis, and different methods of soil use can have a positive or negative impact on microbiological activity, which directly affects the fertility of the soil. Soil bacteria are very important in biogeochemical cycles, and biological nitrogen fixation plays an important role in nitrogen cycling by transferring atmospheric dinitrogen into the soil. It is performed by symbiotic and asymbiotic nitrogen-fixing microorganisms, called nitrogen fixators. Amonificators are bacteria that play a very important role in soil ecosystem, as well as nitrogen fixators. This group of bacteria participates in the processes of protein decomposition and transformation. The aim of the paper is to indicate, based on the presence of nitrogen fixators and amonificators in soil under ashes, the biogenicity of this soil at four different localities: pure ashes, soil under ashes covered with herbaceous vegetation, soil under ashes covered with wood vegetation and agricultural soil, and to give advice on future activities regarding recultivation of these types of soil under ashes. The results of the research showed that microorganisms are mostly represented in different numbers in the tested soils, which indicates variations on the soil biogenicity and quality.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Tatjana SEKULIĆ, Vladanka STUPAR, Aleksandar STEVANOVIĆ, Zlata ŽIVKOVIĆ, Markola SAULIĆ, Milica BLAŽIĆ, Vera POPOVIĆ

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