Gene mining and functional analysis related to maize (Zea mays L.) seed size
functional analysis, gene mining, maize, polymorphisms, RhizobacteriaAbstract
Maize has widely been studied as a model of plant-growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR). Here, the genome sequences of 9P. The strains, together with 26 other sequenced Maize were comparatively studied. Phylogenetic analysis of the concatenated 244 single-copy core genes suggests that the 9P. The strains and 5 other Paenibacillus spp., isolated from diverse geographic regions and ecological niches, formed a closely related clade (here it is called Poly-clade). Analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) reveals local diversification of the 14 Poly-clade genomes. SNPs were not evenly distributed throughout the 14 genomes and the regions with high SNP density contain the genes related to secondary metabolism, including genes coding for polyketide. Recombination played an important role in the genetic diversity of this clade, although the rate of recombination was clearly lower than mutation. The distinction among people and different creatures can be gotten by relative examinations. This study reveals that both maize and its closely related species have plant growth promoting traits and they have great potential uses in agriculture and horticulture as PGPR.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Syed F.A. GILLANI, Adnan RASHEED, Yasir MAJEED, Shamshad S. BUKHARI, Huma TARIQ, Shafiq-Ur-REHMAN, Zhan-Wu GAO

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