Comparative analysis of genetic diversity in Norway spruce (Picea abies ) clonal seed orchards and seed stands
genetic diversity, microsatellite, Norway spruce, seed orchards, seed standsAbstract
Norway spruce, Picea abies (L.) Karst. is the most important conifer species in Romania and the most
planted tree species in the Carpathian Mountains. Here we compare the genetic diversity of four Norway
spruce clonal seed orchards and two seed stands located in the Eastern Carpathians. A set of highly
polymorphic nuclear microsatellite markers was used. The analysis of genotypic identity of ramets for each
Norway spruce clone in all seed orchards indicated that nearly all sampled ramets (97%) were genetically
identical. The genetic diversity in seed orchards (He=0.700) was slightly smaller compared to the seed stands
(He=0.718). Allelic richness was higher in seed stands (10.874), compared to clonal seed orchards (8.941).
The Bayesian analysis indicated a genetic structure with two clusters, one corresponding to the clonal seed
orchards and a second one consisting of the two seed stands. Our results provide valuable information for the
management of Norway spruce seed orchards in Romania.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Elena CIOCIRLAN, Neculae SOFLETEA, Georgeta MIHAI, Maria TEODOSIU, Alexandru L. CURTU

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