Bacillus amyloliquefaciens as a halo-PGPB and chitosan effects in nutritional value and yield production of Asparagus officinalis L. under Sonora desert conditions
biofertilzer, halotolerant, mitigation, promoter effect, saline intrusionAbstract
Asparagus officinalis L. is a crop associated with arid and dry environments of arid deserts; its tender product is considered a gourmet food for its exclusive consumption and its high prices. Among the main attributes of this vegetable are being a product low in calories, fat and cholesterol, with a high content of vitamin C, as well as rich in potassium and calcium phosphate. The indiscriminate use of synthetic fertilizers in agricultural crop production systems, as well as the increasing dependence, they cause deterioration of the physical and chemical properties of the soil, in addition have a variable impact on the composition and functions of the soil microbiota. Under indigenous area “Seris” in Sonora desert conditions (salinity and high °C), var. ‘Early California’ of asparagus was biofertilized with Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (Ba) as a halo-PGPB and chitosan (QUI) to evaluate nutritional value and yield-production. Results showed that Ba and QUI in the vegetative period increased the emergence rate (≥15%), nitrates in sap (≥10%), fresh and root weight and crown (≥25%); significant values in its subsequent production stage of shoots for human consumption (proximal values such as protein (≥33%), and carbohydrates (≥20%), in addition to K+ (≥9%) and Vit C (≥15%) compared with the control, were obtained. These results express the possibility of using Bacillus amyloliquefaciens as a halo-PGPB and chitosan as a biofertilizer of marine origin in asparagus under Sonora desert conditions.
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