Foliar application of zinc oxide nanoparticles and grafting improves the bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) productivity grown in NFT system


  • José G. URESTI-PORRAS Antonio Narro Autonomous Agrarian University, PhD of Science in Protected Agriculture, Antonio Narro 1923, 25315, Saltillo, Coahuila (MX)
  • Marcelino CABRERA-DE-LA FUENTE Antonio Narro Autonomous Agrarian University, Department of Horticulture, Antonio Narro 1923, 25315, Saltillo, Coahuila (MX)
  • Adalberto BENAVIDES-MENDOZA Antonio Narro Autonomous Agrarian University, Department of Horticulture, Antonio Narro 1923, 25315, Saltillo, Coahuila (MX)
  • Alberto SANDOVAL-RANGEL Antonio Narro Autonomous Agrarian University, Department of Horticulture, Antonio Narro 1923, 25315, Saltillo, Coahuila (MX)
  • Alejandro ZERMEÑO-GONZALEZ Antonio Narro Autonomous Agrarian University, Department of Irrigation and Drainage, Antonio Narro 1923, 25315, Saltillo, Coahuila (MX)
  • Raúl I. CABRERA Rutgers University, Department of Plant Biology, Rutgers Agricultural Research and Extension Center (RAREC), Bridgeton, NJ 08302 (US)
  • Hortencia ORTEGA-ORTÍZ Center for Investigation of Applied Chemistry, Enrique Reyna H. No. 140, San José de los Cerritos, 25294, Saltillo, Coahuila (MX)



histology, hydroponic, micromorphology, physiology, productivity


The bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) is a food vegetable with a high nutritional intake, with rich content in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. In this study, using nutrient film technique (NFT) system, the effect of the zinc oxide nanoparticles on the micromorphology, histology, physiology and production of the grafted pepper was evaluated. The treatments used were grafted and non-grafted plants, four concentrations (0, 10, 20, 30 mg L-1) of zinc oxide nanoparticles, and the experience was organized in a completely randomized design. An increase in grafted plants was observed in the weight, number and size of fruits in 18.1%, 21.8% and 9.6%, the concentration 30 mg L-1 of nanoparticles statistically affected the weight, number and size 46.9%, 47.7% and 18% compared to the control. The interaction with grafted plants and the treatment of 30 mg L-1 of zinc oxide nanoparticles increased fruit weight, number of fruits and size by 62.60%, 57.69% and 29.17% compared to plants without grafting and the control treatment. These results indicate that the use of grafts and zinc oxide nanoparticles could be used in bell pepper production to increase yield.


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How to Cite

URESTI-PORRAS, J. G. ., CABRERA-DE-LA FUENTE, M. ., BENAVIDES-MENDOZA, A., SANDOVAL-RANGEL, A., ZERMEÑO-GONZALEZ, A. ., CABRERA, R. I. ., & ORTEGA-ORTÍZ, H. (2021). Foliar application of zinc oxide nanoparticles and grafting improves the bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) productivity grown in NFT system. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 49(2), 12327.



Research Articles
DOI: 10.15835/nbha49212327

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