Improvement of the nutraceutical quality and yield of tomato by application of salicylic acid
biostimulation; elicitors; human health; nutrient solution; phytochemicalsAbstract
Tomato fruits are a unique functional food and a natural reservoir of nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins and bioactive compounds that improve nutrition and human health. As an important vegetable throughout the world, tomatoes have attracted the attention of researchers to carry out various strategies to improve the functionality of this food aimed at the prevention of diseases, health and global well-being. An agronomic strategy in this study was to evaluate the influence of the application of "salicylic acid (SA)" on the yield and nutraceutical quality of the tomato crop, produced under hydroponic conditions. A completely randomized experimental design with six repetitions was used. SA at five doses (0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1 and 0.125 mM) and one control were applied every 15 days in the nutritive solution under a hydroponic system on tomato plants. The evaluated variables were yield (total fruit weight per plant), fruit parameters (weight, diameter, firmness, and total soluble solids), percentage of weight loss and nutraceutical quality of tomato. The results obtained indicate that the addition of salicylic acid in nutritive solution increased the yield and biosynthesis of phytochemical compounds in tomato fruits, in relation to the control without application. In conclusion, to obtain a higher nutraceutical quality without affecting the tomato fruit yield, it is recommended to use the average concentration (0.125 mM) of SA.
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