The influence of meteorological factors on the dynamic of Ambrosia artemisiifolia pollen in an invaded area
aeroallergen; main pollen season (MPS); seasonal pollen index (SPI)Abstract
The aim of the present study was to analyse the effect of weather conditions on Ambrosia artemisiifolia airpollen concentrations in the highly invaded area of western Romania. The investigation of Ambrosia pollen concentrations was carried out from 2000 to 2010 by means of the volumetric method. Ambrosia pollen concentrations had increasing trend over study period. The results of cluster analysis show that two main groups were identified: group A, with lower SPI (2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007) and group B, with much higher SPI (2006, 2008, 2009, 2010). The statistical correlation between pollen concentrations and meteorological factors was determined by Pearson’s test. The relationships between Ambrosia pollen concentrations and meteorological parameters, were further assessed using multiple linear regression techniques. The pollen emissions are affected by meteorological factors in the main pollen season. Our results suggest that the abundance of Ambrosia artemisiifolia in western Romania is massive. The Ambrosia pollen load of Timisoara is most important between 15 August – 15 September. Consequently, this is the most dangerous period of the year for allergic reactions. The investigation of Ambrosia pollen behavior in the atmosphere is a compulsory step for measures to stop the spread and establishing control. Ambrosia pollen represents a major health problem and can be considered the main aeroallergenic plant pollen in our region.
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