Temporary Immersion System for Micropropagation of Tree Species: a Bibliographic and Systematic Review
eucalyptus; hyperhydricity; immersion frequency; micropropagationAbstract
This paper was characterized by a bibliometric and systematic review on the database ISI Web of Science, aiming to provide an update of the main points addressed regarding the Temporary Immersion Systems (TIS) for micropropagation of tree species. It was pointed out that the frequency and time of immersion were one of the main parameters studied in the papers and 35% these papers worked with eucalyptus species. The main problem reported in the papers was the hyperhydricity, but it was overcome via procedures such as: a) air injection into the system, b) increasing the immersion intervals and decreasing the immersion time and c) decreasing concentration of cytokinin. Most papers reported that TIS produced plants that were more successful in surviving the ex-vitro acclimation stage than those produced on semi-solid media or continuous immersion systems. Few studies compared different types of temporary immersion bioreactors on micropropagation of plants and within the established criteria, papers with TIS tree species represented only 15% of the total. This system has presented promising results for most of the tree species, and although some gaps have been identified and few are the works with tree species, this process has been taking an increasingly larger space in the propagation of plants.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Lara Siqueira Oliveira CARVALHO, Elif A. OZUDOGRU, Maurizio LAMBARDI, Luciano V. PAIVA

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